Saturday, March 24, 2007

MOMMA MIA! Italia no like-a de OSCARS??

Oscar under fire!

RAI International pulled a real-life ITALIAN JOB on Oscar when U.S. District Court Judge Audrey Collins decided in favor of the broadcaster, who was sullying the beloved golden idol with the inane "Wine Oscars," "Fashion Oscars," and "Award Show Oscars" (swept for the past seven years by the People's Choice Awards), among others.

The defendants argued that the term "OSCAR!," while quite specific in English, could be used quite generically in Italian!!

To which I say, como dices, paisan! If I may put in my own due lire, there ain't nothin' generic about OSCAR, the sport of kings! Konnichiwa?

BUZZ ALERT! -- Could this result in beloved Holocaust spoofster Roberto "Presto Change-o!" Beninini being stripped of his past Oscar honors?? STAY TUNED!!

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