True enough. Those months OBPSF went temporarily offline, as yours truly attended the prestigyuss CANS FILM FEST-O-VILLE on the righteous shores of Cans, New Jersey! So much BUZZ swirled around the Fest that your trusty correspondent fell victim to a rare and, in most instances, totally untreatable BUZZATONIC COMA!!! (Additional resources on this tragic condition can be found here.) But YC has returned to the world of the wakeful with this pronouncement: I HAVE SEEN OSCAR FUTURE AND ITS NAME IS ADORABLE LITTLE GIRL FROM GAME PLANS ALSO FEATURING ROCKY "THE DWAYNE" JOHNSON. This adorable moppet is like CRASH! and SHINDLER'S LIST rolled into one!!
As for our comrade in buzz, "I'm With Oscar!", he's had his own "big shits boppin'" (as rapster and BUZZWORTHY crossover sensation T-Eye would say). Let's just say he recently SAW* a worthily spooooooooooooky OSCAR!ccessor to THE SILENCE AND THE LAMBS!!!
And our triumphant return to the world of BUZZ comes on an auspishuss date -- OUR ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY! Prepare yourself for a week of NEARLY DEAFENING OSCAR BUZZ, with some additional surprises too!!
*(It was SAW IV!!!!!!)